Processing of your case


Extraction of journals from healthcare services.

Once we have received the authorisation, the claims adjustersends a request (supported by your authorisation) to receive journals from the healthcare service provider to be able to investigate the claim. The amount of time this takes depends on how quickly we receive all the necessary journals from the healthcare provider. Time required approx. four – eight weeks.



Once all journals have been received, the claims adjuster compiles your case and sends it to a relevant specialist medical adviser for your case. Time required approx. one week.


Assessment and opinion

The medical adviser assesses your case in accordance with the conditions of the insurance and then sends his/her opinion back to us. The amount of time required for this depends on how complicated the case is, amongst other things, but it usually takes an average of up to six weeks.


Managers make decisions

Your claims adjuster will make a decision on your case based on the opinion provided. The decision means either that damages can be compensated from the insurance, or that compensation cannot be paid out. If compensation cannot be paid you also receive information about what you can do if you are not satisfied with the decision. The decision is always sent to you as a letter. On average, it takes just over four months from registration until you receive a decision.


Processing of your claim

With the help of the statement, your supervisor then makes a decision on the matter. The decision either means that the damage can be replaced by the insurance or that compensation can not be given. If compensation can not be left, you also get information about what you can.



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