How do I report a drug-related injury?

There is a special form for submitting a claim to the Pharmaceutical Insurer, a Claim Form, which is available here. It is important that you submit the claim personally. A counsellor, welfare officer, patient representative or patients’ ombudsman can help you complete the form. The claim form should be submitted directly to the insurance company, Svenska Läkemedelsförsäkringen AB.

When you have duly signed and submitted your claim, you are also consenting to give the insurance company the Power-of-Attorney to request medical records and medical certificates from hospitals in order to assess and evaluate your entitlement to compensation.

After completing the form, please send it to:

Svenska Läkemedelsförsäkringen AB
Box 176 08
S-118 92 Stockholm

Visiting address:
Sveavägen 63, Stockholm

Tel +46 (0)8-462 37 00
Fax +46 (0)8-462 02 92


Almedalsveckan 2024 – seminarium om säkrad läkemedelstillgång

Foto: Pax Engström Nyström Under årets Almedalsvecka anordnade Läkemedelsförsäkringen tillsammans med Dagens Medicin ett seminarium på temat - Har vi rätt recept för att säkra läkemedelstillgången? I panelen deltog Robert Ström, vd Läkemedelsförsäkringen, Rachel De...

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